
山口 暢俊・永野 惇
A03班川勝が編集した“Rice: Methods and Protocols” が出版されました。

A03班川勝が編集した“Rice: Methods and Protocols” が出版されました。
Taiji Kawakatsu (Eds)
Rice: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, volume 2869)
Humana Press
eBook ISBN: 978-1-0716-4204-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-4204-7
Yoshino K and Kawakatsu T (2025) Total RNA extraction from rice vegetative tissues using magnetic beads. Methods in Molecular Biology 2869:7-13
Kashima M, Nomura Y, Nagano AJ (2025) DeLTa-Seq: High-throughput targeted RNA-seq of rice leaves without RNA purification. Methods in Molecular Biology 2869: 113-121
Mori-Moriyama N, Nagano AJ (2025) Lasy-Seq: A high-throughput 3' RNA-seq method for large-scale transcriptome profiling in rice. Methods Mol Biol. 2869:123-134
Kawakatsu T (2025) Expression and purification of pAG-MNase for CUT&RUN. Methods in Molecular Biology 2869:147-155
Kawakatsu T (2025) In vitro genome-wide identification of transcription factor binding sites. Molecular Biology 2869:169-182