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Satake Group

"Gene regulatory mechanisms governing plant phenology"

Research representative

Akiko Satake

(Kyushu University, Professor)


Member of a research project


Naoki Tani  (JIRCAS/ University of Tsukuba, Professor)​

Ai Nagahama (National Museum of Nature and Science/Researcher)

Sachiko Isobe (Kazusa DNA Res.Inst./Team leader)

Hideki Hirakawa (Kazusa DNA Res.Inst./Principal Investigator)

Research collaborator

Akihiro Nakamura  (Xishuang Panna Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Professor)​

Yoshiko Kosugi (Kyoto University,Professor)

Eriko Sasaki (Kyushu University, Associate Professor,Kyushu University)​

Koji Noshita (Kyushu University, Assistant Professor)

Junko Kusumi (Kyushu University, Professor)

Various environments exist worldwide, from high-latitude regions with long winters to tropical regions with warm temperatures year-round. The seasonal activities (phenology) of plants inhabiting each region affect the global environment. However, the genetic control that governs phenology and its responsiveness to climate and environment remains unclear. Therefore, we will perform genome sequencing of the dominant tree species in forest ecosystems. We will conduct comprehensive gene expression (molecular phenology) and phenology observations, such as BVOC emissions in diverse forest ecosystems from Hokkaido to Southeast Asian tropical forests. We will elucidate the mechanisms of phenological changes at the gene level. In addition, we will apply information on plant environmental responses obtained in a controlled laboratory environment to molecular phenology data. We will develop a phenology prediction model necessary for input into climate models by verifying predictions of leaf development, flowering, and BVOC emissions. Furthermore, the prediction results of the climate model will be fed back into the phenology prediction model. Consequently, we aim to elucidate the particulars of plant self-feedback through climate modification. Specifically, we will explore how flowering and fruiting phenology, which is sensitive to temperature and rainfall, is influenced by BVOC emissions.

Group overview


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