The molecular clock in long-lived tropical trees is independent of growth rate
Akiko Satake, Ryosuke Imai, Takeshi Fujino, Sou Tomimoto1 Kayoko Ohta,
Mohammad Na’iem, Sapto Indrioko, Widiyatno, Susilo Purnomo, Almudena Mollá–Morales, Viktoria Nizhynska, Naoki Tani, Yoshihisa Suyama, Eriko Sasaki, Masahiro Kasahara.
Somatic mutation rates scale with time not growth rate in long-lived tropical trees
Akiko Satake, Ryosuke Imai, Takeshi Fujino, Sou Tomimoto, Kayoko Ohta, Mohammad Na’iem, Sapto Indrioko,Widiyatno, Susilo Purnomo, Almudena Mollá–
Morales, Viktoria Nizhynska, Naoki Tani, Yoshihisa Suyama, Eriko Sasaki, Masahiro
eLife, 2023.
Carbon use strategies in shoot and acorn growth of two evergreen broadleaf trees unraveled by seasonal carbohydrate measurements and carbon isotope analysis
Qingmin Han, Daisuke Kabeya, Yoshiyuki Inagaki, Tatsuro Kawasaki, Akiko Satake
Tree Physiology, tpad072, 2023.
Typhoon-induced Lammas growth promotes the non-dormant life-cycle of the Great Orange Tip butterfly Hebomoia glaucippe
Kota Ogawa, Wataru Nakamizo, Fukashi Ishiwata, Yu Matsuura, Akiko Satake
bioRxiv, 2023.
AGAMOUS regulates various target genes via cell cycle-coupled H3K27me3 dilution in floral meristems and stamens
Margaret Anne Pelayo, Fumi Morishita, Haruka Sawada, Kasumi Matsushita, Hideaki Iimura, Zemiao He, Liang Sheng Looi, Naoya Katagiri, Asumi Nagamori, Takamasa Suzuki, Marek Širl, Aleš Soukup, Akiko Satake, Toshiro Ito, Nobutoshi Yamaguchi
Plant Cell, Volume 35, Issue.8, Pages.2821-2847, 2023.
Characterization of Leaf Transcriptome in a Tropical Tree Species, Shorea curtisii, over a Flowering Season
Ahmad Husaini SUHAIMI, Masaki J. KOBAYASHI, Akiko SATAKE, Soon Leong LEE, Norwati MUHAMMAD, Tatsuya OTANI, Toshiaki KONDO, Naoki TANI, Suat Hui YEOH
J -STAGE, Vol.57, Issue.2, Pages.139-144, 2023.
Modelling somatic mutation accumulation and expansion in a long-lived tree with hierarchical modular architecture
Sou Tomimoto, Akiko Satake
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.565, 111465, 2023.
Contributions to the flora of Myanmar IX: five new distributional records of flowering plants from Chin State, Kachin State and Tanintharyi Region
Ai Nagahama, Takashi Sugawara, Mu Mu Aung, Axel Dalberg Poulsen, Kate E. Armstrong, Shuichiro Tagane, Nobuyuki Tanaka
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), Vol.49, Issue.2, Pages.49-55, 2023.
The transcriptional changes underlying the flowering phenology shift of Arabidopsis halleri in response to climate warming
Hideyuki Komoto, Ai Nagahama, Atsuko Miyawaki-Kuwakado, Yuki Hata, Junko Kyozuka, Yui Kajita, Hironori Toyama, Akiko Satake
Plant, Cell & Environment, Vol.47, Issue.1, Pages.174-186, 2023.
DOI: 10.1111/pce.14716
Assessing the impacts of genetic defects on starch metabolism in Arabidopsis plants using the carbon homeostasis model
Shuichi N. Kudo, Carolina C. M. Bello, Anthony Artins, Camila Caldana, Akiko Satake
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Vol.20, Issue.208, 2023.
An ecological transcriptome approach to capture the molecular and physiological mechanisms of mass flowering in Shorea curtisii
Ahmad Husaini Suhaimi, Masaki J. Kobayashi, Akiko Satake, Ching Ching Ng, Soon Leong Lee, Norwati Muhammad, Shinya Numata, Tatsuya Otani, Toshiaki Kondo, Naoki Tani, Suat Hui Yeoh
PeerJ, Vol.11, e16368, 2023.
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.16368
Plant Molecular Phenology and Climate Feedbacks Mediated by BVOCs
Akiko Satake, Tomika Hagiwara, Atsushi J. Nagano, Nobutoshi Yamaguchi, Kanako Sekimoto, Kaori Shiojiri, and Kengo Sudo
Annual Review of Plant Biology, Vol.75, Pages.605-627, 2024.
Altered Trends in Spring- and Autumn-Flowering Species in Japan in Response to Global Warming
Ai Nagahama , Hitomi Uemura, Taro Nikaido
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany)
Vol.50, Issue.2, Pages.59-69, 2024.
The genetic structure within a single tree is determined by the behavior of the stem cells in the meristem
Yoh Iwasa, Sou Tomimoto, Akiko Satake
Genetics, Vol.223, Issue.4, 2023.
Seasonal gene expression signatures of delayed fertilization in Fagaceae
Akiko Satake, Kayoko Ohta, Noriko Takeda-Kamiya, Kiminori Toyooka, Junko Kusumi
Molecular Ecology, Vol.32, Issue.17, Pages.4801-4813, 2023.
Impacts of climate change on the transcriptional dynamics and timing of bud dormancy release in Yoshino-cherry tree
Atsuko Miyawaki-Kuwakado, Qingmin Han, Keiko Kitamura, Akiko Satake
Plants, People, Planet, 2024.
History of the terrestrial isopod genus Ligidium in Japan based on phylogeographic analysis
Wakana Harigai, Aya Saito, Chika Zemmoto, Shigenori Karasawa, Touta Yokoi, Atsushi J. Nagano, Hitoshi Suzuki & Masanobu Yamamoto.
BMC Ecology and Evolution, Vol.23, Issue.1, 2023.
A low-coverage 3' RNA-seq to detect homeolog expression in polyploid wheat
Jianqiang Sun, Moeko Okada, Toshiaki Tameshige, Rie Shimizu-Inatsugi, Reiko Akiyama, Atsushi J Nagano, Jun Sese, Kentaro K Shimizu.
NAR Genom Bioinform, Vol.5, Issue.3, 2023.
DOI: 10.1093/nargab/lqad067
Development and validation of novel SNP markers for the rapid identification of natural hybrids of the 11 closely related pufferfish species (Takifugu spp.) distributed in Japan
Hiroshi Takahashi, Ryo Kakioka, Atsushi J. Nagano
Aquaculture Reports, Vol.31, 2023.
Genetic differentiation and evolution of broad-leaved evergreen shrub and tree varieties of Daphniphyllum macropodum (Daphniphyllaceae)
Watanabe Yoichi, Sae Matsuzawa, Ichiro Tamaki, Atsushi J. Nagano & Sang-Hun Oh.
Heredityi, Vol.131, Issue.3, Pages.211-220, 2023.
Multiple colonizations and hybridization of a freshwater fish group on a satellite island of Sulawesi
Ixchel F. Mandagi, Bayu K. A. Sumarto, Handung Nuryadi, Daniel F. Mokodongan, Sjamsu A. Lawelle, Kawilarang W.A. Masengi, Atsushi J. Nagano, Ryo Kakioka, Jun Kitano, Satoshi Ansai, Junko Kusumi, Kazunori Yamahira.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Vol.5, Issue.3, 2023.
Induction of leaf curling in cassava plants by the cassava mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)
Shun-ichiro Takano, Yoshinori Utsumi, Atsushi Nagano, Satoshi Takahashi, Akihiro Ezoe, Motoaki Seki, Thi Xuyen Le & Keiji Takasu.
Applied Entomology and Zoology, Vol.58, Pages.279-290, 2023.
Apoplast-Localized β-Glucosidase Elevates Isoflavone Accumulation in the Soybean Rhizosphere
Hinako Matsuda, Yumi Yamazaki, Eiko Moriyoshi, Masaru Nakayasu, Shinichi Yamazaki, Yuichi Aoki, Hisabumi Takase, Shin Okazaki, Atsushi J Nagano, Akito Kaga, Kazufumi Yazaki, Akifumi Sugiyama.
Plant and Cell Physiology, Vol.65, Issue.5,Pages.486-550, 2023.
Genetic architectures of postmating isolation and morphology of two highly diverged rockfishes (genus Sebastes)
Nozomu Muto, Takuma Kawasaki, Ryo Kakioka, Atsushi J Nagano, Yuta Shimizu, Shu Inose, Yohei Shimizu, Hiroshi Takahashi.
Journal of Heredity, Vol.114, Issue.3, Pages.231-245, 2023.
Genetic population structure of the precious coral Corallium japonicum in the Northwest Pacific
Hiroki Kise, Akira Iguchi, Naoki Saito, Yuki Yoshioka, Koji Uda, Tomohiko Suzuki, Atsushi J. Nagano, Atsushi Suzuki, Nozomu Iwasaki.
Frontiers in Marine Science, Vol.10, 2023.
The detailed population genetic structure of the rare endangered latid fish akame Lates japonicus with extremely low genetic diversity revealed from single-nucleotide polymorphisms
Takuya Naito, Kouji Nakayama, Hirohiko Takeshima, Yasuyuki Hashiguchi, Tetsuya Akita, Yo Y. Yamasaki, Tappei Mishina, Naohiko Takeshita, Atsushi J. Nagano & Hiroshi Takahashi.
Conservation Genetics, Vol.24, Pages.523-535, 2023.
The evolutionary history of rice azaleas (Rhododendron tschonoskii alliance) involved niche evolution to a montane environment
Watanabe Yoichi, Ichiro Tamaki, Sang-Hun Oh, Atsushi J Nagano, Koichi Uehara, Nobuhiro Tomaru, Harue Abe.
American Journal of Botany, Vol.110, Issue.4, e16166, 2023.
DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.16166
An ecological network approach for detecting and validating influential organisms for rice growth
Masayuki Ushio, Hiroki Saito, Motoaki Tojo, Atsushi J Nagano
eLife, Vol.12, RP87202, 2023.
RAD-Seq analysis of wild Japanese garlic (Allium macrostemon Bunge) growing in Japan revealed that this neglected crop was previously actively utilized
Wiwit Probowati, Shogo Koga, Kentaro Harada, Yukio Nagano, Atsushi J. Nagano, Kanji Ishimaru, Kazusato Ohshima & Shinji Fukuda
Scientific Reports, Vol.13, 2023.
Ghost introgression in ricefishes of the genus Adrianichthys in an ancient Wallacean lake
Kazunori Yamahira, Hirozumi Kobayashi, Ryo Kakioka, Javier Montenegro, Kawilarang W. A. Masengi, Noboru Okuda, Atsushi J. Nagano, Rieko Tanaka, Kiyoshi Naruse, Shoji Tatsumoto, Yasuhiro Go, Satoshi Ansai, Junko Kusumi
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Vol.36, Issue.10, 2023.
Identification of Novel Quantitative Trait Loci for Culm Thickness of Rice Derived from Strong-Culm Landrace in Japan, Omachi
Koki Chigira, Masanori Yamasaki, Shunsuke Adachi, Atsushi J. Nagano & Taiichiro Ookawa
Rice, Vol.16, Issue.1, 2023.
Association analysis of production traits of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) using restriction-site associated DNA sequencing
Mohammad Ibrahim Haqani, Michiharu Nakano, Atsushi J. Nagano, Yoshiaki Nakamura & Masaoki Tsudzuki
Scientific Reports, Vol.13, Issue.1, 2023.
Genomic landscape of introgression from the ghost lineage in a gobiid fish uncovers the generality of forces shaping hybrid genomes
Shuya Kato, Seiji Arakaki, Atsushi J. Nagano, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, Shotaro Hirase
Molecular Ecology, 2023.
A transcriptional program for circannual clock in medaka
Tomoya Nakayama, Miki Tanikawa, Yuki Okushi, Thoma Itoh, Tsuyoshi Shimmura, Michiyo Maruyama, Taiki Yamaguchi, Akiko Matsumiya, Ai Shinomiya, Ying-Jey Guh, Junfeng Chen, Kiyoshi Naruse, Hiroshi Kudoh, Yohei Kondo, Honda Naoki, Kazuhiro Aoki, Atsushi J Nagano, Takashi Yoshimura
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United Sates of America, Vol.120, Issue.52, e2313514120, 2023.
Genome-wide association study of leaf photosynthesis using a high-throughput gas exchange system in rice
Sotaro Honda, Ayumu Imamura, Yoshiaki Seki, Koki Chigira, Marina Iwasa, Kentaro Hayami, Tomohiro Nomura, Satoshi Ohkubo, Taiichiro Ookawa, Atsushi J. Nagano, Makoto Matsuoka, Yu Tanaka & Shunsuke Adachi
Photosynthesis Research, Vol.159, Pages.17-28, 2024.
Single candidate gene for salt tolerance of Vigna nakashimae (Ohwi) Ohwi & Ohashi identified by QTL mapping, whole genome sequencing and triplicated RNA-seq analyses
Miho Ito, Honami Ohashi, Masahiro Takemoto, Chiaki Muto, Takashi Seiko, Yusaku Noda, Eri Ogiso-Tanaka, Atsushi J. Nagano, Yu Takahashi, Jun Furukawa, Yuki Monden, Ken Naito
Breeding Science, Vol.74, Issue.2, Pages.93-102, 2024.
Hybridization and its impact on the ontogenetic allometry of skulls in macaques
Tsuyoshi Ito, Ryosuke Kimura, Hikaru Wakamori, Mikiko Tanaka, Ayumi Tezuka, Atsushi J Nagano, Yuzuru Hamada, Yoshi Kawamoto
Evolution, Vol.78, Issue.2, Pages.284-299, 2024.
Application of ethanol alleviates heat damage to leaf growth and yield in tomato
Daisuke Todaka, Do Thi Nhu Quynh, Maho Tanaka, Yoshinori Utsumi, Chikako Utsumi, Akihiro Ezoe, Satoshi Takahashi, Junko Ishida, Miyako Kusano, Makoto Kobayashi, Kazuki Saito, Atsushi J Nagano, Yoshimi Nakano, Nobutaka Mitsuda, Sumire Fujiwara, Motoaki Seki
Frontiers in Plant Science, Vol.15, 2024.
Non-prey biotic interactions in carnivorous plants Unlocking the secrets of peristome geometry in pitcher plants
Montero H, Fukushima K
Current Biology, Vol.33, Issue.11, Pages.R497-R500, 2023.
Carnivorous plants: Unlocking the secrets of peristome geometry in pitcher plants
Fukushima K
Current Biology, Vol.33, Issue.21, Pages.R1155-R1157, 2023.
Subgenome dominance shapes novel gene evolution in the decaploid pitcher plant Nepenthes gracilis
Saul F, Scharmann M, Wakatake, T, Rajaraman S, Marques A, Freund M, Bringmann G, Channon L, Becker D, Carroll E, Low YW, Lindqvist C, Gilbert KJ, Renner T, Masuda S, Richter M, Vogg G, Shirasu K, Michael TP, Hedrich R, Albert VA, Fukushima K
Nature Plants, Vol.9, Issue.12, 2023.
AGAMOUS regulates various target genes via cell cycle-coupled H3K27me3 dilution in floral meristems and stamens
Margaret Anne Pelayo, Fumi Morishita, Haruka Sawada, Kasumi Matsushita, Hideaki Iimura, Zemiao He, Liang Sheng Looi, Naoya Katagiri, Asumi Nagamori, Takamasa Suzuki, Marek Širl, Aleš Soukup, Akiko Satake, Toshiro Ito, Nobutoshi Yamaguchi.
Plant Cell, Vol.35, Issue.8, Pages.2821–2847, 2023.
The regulation of chromatin configuration at AGAMOUS locus by LFR-SYD-containing complex is critical for reproductive organ development in Arabidopsis
Xiaowei Lin, Tingting Yuan Hong Guo, Yi Guo, Nobutoshi Yamaguchi, Shuge Wang, Dongxia Zhang, Dongmei, Jiayu Li, Qiang Chen, Xinye Liu, Long Zhao, Jun Xiao, Doris Wagner, Sujuan Cui and Hongtao Zhao
Plant Journal, Vol.116, Issue.2, Pages.478-496, 2023.
Seed Halopriming: A Promising Strategy to Induce Salt Tolerance in Indonesian Pigmented Rice
Yekti Asih Purwestri , Siti Nurbaiti, Sekar Pelangi Manik Putri, Ignasia MargiWahyuni,
Siti Roswiyah Yulyani, Alfino Sebastian, Tri Rini Nuringtyas, and Nobutoshi Yamaguchi
PlantsI, Vol.12, Issue.15, 2023.
Statistical analysis of organelle movement using state-space models
Haruki Nishio, Satoyuki Hirano, Yutaka Kodama
Plant Methods, Vol.19, Issue.1, e67, 2023.
DOI: 10.1186/s13007-023-01038-6
Transcriptome profiles of rice roots under simulated microgravity conditions and following gravistimulation
Noriyuki Kuya, Ryo Nishijima, Yuka Kitomi, Taiji Kawakatsu, Yusaku Uga
Frontiers in Plant Science, Vol.14, 1193042, 2023.
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1193042
Transcriptional Regulators of Plant Adaptation to Heat Stress
Xuejing Wang, Wui Kiat Nicholas Tan, Fong Yi Chung, Nobutoshi Yamaguchi, Eng Seng Gan, Toshiro Ito
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol.24, Issue.17, 13297, 2023.
SHI family transcription factors regulate an interspecific barrier
Fujii S, Yamamoto E, Ito S, Tangpranomkorn S, Kimura Y, Miura H, Yamaguchi N, Kato Y, Niidome M, Yoshida A, Shimosato-Asano H, Wada Y, Ito T, Takayama S.
Nature Plants, Vol.9, Pages.1862-1873, 2023.
Beyond heat waves: Unlocking epigenetic heat stress memory in Arabidopsis
Haruki Nishio; Taiji Kawakatsu; Nobutoshi Yamaguchi
Plant Physiology, Vol.194, Issue.4, Pages.1934-1951, 2023.
古田優生, 山口暢俊, 伊藤寿朗
アグリバイオ, 7巻, 14号, Pages.61-66, 2023.
An improved method for the highly specific detection of transcription start sites
Seki M, Kuze Y, Zhang X, Kurotani K, Notaguchi M, Nishio H, Kudoh H, Suzaki T, Yoshida S, Sugano S, Matsushita T, Suzuki Y.
Nucleic Acids Research. Vol.52, Issue.2, Page.e7, 2023.
Petal abscission is promoted by jasmonic acid-induced autophagy at Arabidopsis petal bases.
Yuki Furuta1, Haruka Yamamoto1, Takeshi Hirakawa1, Akira Uemura1, Margaret Anne Pelayo1,2, Hideaki Iimura1,3, Naoya Katagiri1, Noriko Takeda-Kamiya4, Kie Kumaishi5, Makoto Shirakawa1,6, Sumie Ishiguro7, Yasunori Ichihashi5, Takamasa Suzuki8, Tatsuaki Goh1, Kiminori Toyooka4, Toshiro Ito1,* and Nobutoshi Yamaguchi1,*
Nature Communications, 15, Article number: 1098, 2023.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-45371-3
Life-cycle multiomics of rice shoots reveals growth stage-specific effects of drought stress and time-lag drought responses
Soma F, Kitomi Y, Kawakatsu T, Uga Y
Plant and Cell Physiology, Vol.65, Issue.1, Pages.156-168, 2024.
Genome- and transcriptome-wide association studies to discover candidate genes for diverse root phenotypes in cultivated rice
Wei S, Tanaka R, Kawakatsu T, Teramoto S, Tanaka N, Shenton M, Uga Y, Yabe S
Rice, Vol.16, 55, 2023.
Generation of major glutelin-deficient (GluA, GluB, and GluC) semi-dwarf Koshihikari rice line.
Wakasa Y, Kawakatsu T, Ishimaru K, Ozawa K
Plant Cell Reports, Vol.43, 51, 2024.
Old school, new rules: floral meristem development revealed by 3D gene expression atlases and high-resolution transcription factor-chromatin dynamics
Margaret Anne Pelayo, Nobutoshi Yamaguchi
Frontiers in Plant Science, Vol.14, 2023.
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1323507
Analysis of Volatile Esters and Alkanoic Acids by an Atmospheric Pressure Corona Discharge Ionization Collision-Induced Dissociation Mass Spectrometry in Positive-Ion Mode: Ionization, Fragmentation Patterns, and Discrimination between Isomeric Compounds
Yuto Nishikido, Kanako Sekimoto.
Mass Spectrometry, Vol.12, Issue.1, Pages. A0127, 2023.
Fuel-type Independent Parameterization of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Western US Wildfires
Kanako Sekimoto, Matthew M. Coggon, Georgios I. Gkatzelis, Chelsea E. Stockwell, Jeff Peischl, Amber Soja, Carsten Warneke.
Environmental Science & Technology, Vol.57, Issue.35, Pages.13193-13204, 2023.
Measurement report: Assessment of Asian emissions of ethane, propane, carbon monoxide, and NOx based on observations from the island of Hateruma
dedeji, A. R., Andrews, S. J., Rowlinson, M. J., Evans, M. J., Lewis, A. C., Hashimoto, S., Mukai, H., Tanimoto, H., Tohjima, Y., and Saito.
Atmos. Chem. Phys, Vol.23, Issue.16, Pages.9229-9224, 2023.
Functional Group Analysis of a-Pinene Oxidation Products Using Derivatization Reactions and High-Reslution Electrospray Inoization Collision-Induced Dissociation Mass Spectrometry
Daisuke Fukuyama, Kanako Sekimoto
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, Vol.35, Issue.4, Pages.728-737, 2024.
DOI: 10.1021/jasms.3c00415
A high-accuracy dynamic dilution method for generating reference gas mixtures of carbonyl sulfide at sub-nanomole-per-mole levels for long-term atmospheric observation
Hideki Nara, Takuya Saito, Taku Umezawa, Yasunori Tohjima
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss, 2024.
When to help juveniles, adults, or both: analyzing the evolutionary models of stage-structured mutualism
Takefumi Nakazawa, Noboru Katayama, Shunsuke Utsumi, Akira Yamawo, Masato Yamamichi.
Frontiers in ecology and evolution, Vol.11, Pages.1138138, 2023.
The exposure of field-grown maize seedlings to weed volatiles affects their growth and seed quality
Yusuke Sakurai , Satomi Ishizaki , Shota Izumi ,
Takuma Yoshida, Kaori Shiojiri, Junji Takabayashi.
Frontiers in Plant Science, Vol.14, Pages.1141338, 2023.
Fuel-Type Independent Parameterization of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Western US Wildfires
Kanako Sekimoto*, Matthew M. Coggon, Georgios I. Gkatzelis, Chelsea E. Stockwell, Jeff Peischl, Amber J. Soja, and Carsten Waeneke.
Environmental Science & Technology, August 23, 2023.
Elevated O3 threatens biological communications
Noboru Masuia , Kaori Shiojiri , Evgenios Agathokleousc , Akira Tania , Takayoshi Koike.
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 53, P.1982-2001, 2023.
Seasonal patterns of sugar components and their functions in branches of Fagus crenata in association with three reproduction events
Daisuke Kabeya and Qingmin Han
Ecological Research, Vol.38, Issue.6, Pages.782-794, 2023.
Resurrection of Spicantopsis hancockii (Blechnaceae) as an endemic species to Taiwan -Reidentification of Spicantopsis in the Tokara Islands, Japan
Atsushi Ebihara, Shuichiro Tagane, Shun K. Hirota, Yoshihisa Suyama, Narumi Nakato, Li-Yaung Kuo
Taiwania, Vol.68, Issue.2, Pages.148-154, 2023.
Spiranthes hachijoensis (Orchidaceae), a new species within the S. sinensis species complex in Japan, based on morphological, phylogenetic, and ecological evidence
Suetsugu K, Hirota SK, Hayakawa H, Fujimori S, Ishibashi M, Hsu TC, Suyama Y
Journal of Plant Research, Vol.136, Issue.3, Pages.333-348, 2023.
Spiranthes minamitaniana (Orchidaceae), a new orchid species from Japan based on morphological and phylogenetic data
Kenji Suetsugu, Shun K. Hirota, Yoshihisa Suyama
Phytotaxa, Vol.599, Issue.3, Pages.139-149, 2023.
Phylogeography of the temperate grassland plant Tephroseris kirilowii (Asteraceae) inferred from multiplexed inter‑simple sequence repeat genotyping by sequencing (MIG‑seq) data
Tomoka Sakaba, Akiko Soejima, Shinji Fujii, Hajime Ikeda, Takaya Iwasaki, Hiroaki Saito, Yoshihisa Suyama, Ayumi Matsuo, Andrey E. Kozhevnikov, Zoya V. Kozhevnikova, Hongfeng Wang, Siqi Wang, Jae‑Hong Pak, Noriyuki Fujii
Journal of Plant Research, Vol.136, Pages.437-452, 2023.
Geographical genetic structure of Lespedeza cuneata var. cuneata in Japan: Necessity of genetic considerations in slope revegetation
Junichi Imanishi, Ayumi Imanishi, Yoshihisa Suyama, Yuji Isagi
Landscape and Ecological Engineering, Vol.19, Pages.583-596, 2023.
Aphids increase their rate of survival on emergent aquatic plants through niche construction.
Kodera T., Ohsaki H., Yamawo A.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology,2024
Potential contribution of floral thermogenesis to cold adaptation, distribution pattern, and population structure in skunk cabbage
Mitsuhiko P. Sato, Ayumi Matsuo, Koichi Otsuka, Kohei Takenaka Takano, Masayuki Maki, Kunihiro Okano, Yoshihisa Suyama, Yasuko Ito-Inaba
Ecology and Evolution, Vol.13, Pages.e10319,
Molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of the genus Nanocnide (Urticaceae) with particular attention to the Ryukyu Islands endemic N. lobata
Satoshi Aoki, Pan Li, Ayumi Matsuo, Yoshihisa Suyama, Motomi Ito
Phytotaxa, Vol.607, No.1, Pages.23-40, 2023.
First record of Thrixspermum annamense (Orchidaceae) from Iriomote Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, with discussions on its intraspecific taxonomy
Kenji Suetsugu, Shun K. Hirota, Koji Yonekura, Atsushi Abe, Yoshihisa Suyama and Tian-Chuan Hsu
Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 74巻, 2号, Pages.121-129, 2023.
MIG-seq 法を用いたゲノムワイドSNP 分析による森林遺伝学研究
森林遺伝育種, 12巻, 2号, Pages.63-67, 2023.
Wax on the surface of Phragmites australis leaves provides enemy-free space for the aphid Hyalopterus pruni
Yamawo A., Mukai H.
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2023.
Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain variability in global herbivory
Robinson ML et al. (Herbvar Network, including Yamawo A.)
Science 382 (6671), 2023.
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Aphids increase their rate of survival on emergent aquatic plants through niche construction.
Kodera T., Ohsaki H., Yamawo A.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Vol.37, Issue.3, Pages.283–289, 2024.
Plant–mycorrhizal associations may explain the latitudinal gradient of plant community assembly.
Shinohara N., Kobayashi Y., Nishizawa K., Kadowaki K., Yamawo A.
Oikos, Vol.2024, Issue.6, e10367, 2024.
Facilitative interaction networks in experimental microbial community dynamics
Fujita H, Ushio M, Suzuki K, Abe MS, Yamamichi M, Okazaki Y, Canarini A, Hayashi I, Fukushima K, Fukuda S, Kiers ET, Toju H
Frontiers in Microbiology, Vol.14, 1153952, 2023.
Computational capability of ecological dynamics
Ushio M, Watanabe K, Fukuda Y, Tokudome Y, Nakajima K
Royal Society Open Science, Vol.10, 221614, 2023.
Changes of soil chemical properties, microbial biomass and enzymatic activities along a gradient of forest degradation in logged over tropical rain forests, Borneo
Jiang L, Ushio M, Kitayama K
Plant and Soil, Vol.485, Pages.525-536, 2023.
Non-destructive collection and metabarcoding of arthropod environmental DNA remained on a terrestrial plant
Yoneya K, Ushio M, Miki T
Scientific Reports, Vol.13, 7125, 2023.
Temperature sensitivity of the interspecific interaction strength of coastal marine fish communities
Ushio M, Sado T, Fukuchi T, Sasano S, Masuda R, Osada Y, Miya M
eLife, Vol.12, RP85795, 2023.
The effects of the floral infection by a bacterial pathogen in a dioecious plant, Mallotus japonicus (Euphorbiaceae)
Maxime M, Ushio M, Sakai S
Population Ecology, Vol.65, Issue.4, Pages.232-239, 2023.
Collection of environmental DNA from stemflow for monitoring arboreal biodiversity: preliminary validation using lichens
Sakata A, Sado T, Oka S-I, Ushio M, Miya M
MethodsX, Vol.11, 102448,
Metagenomic analysis of ecological niche overlap and community collapse in microbiome dynamics
Fujita H, Ushio M, Suzuki K, Abe MS, Yamamichi M, Okazaki Y, Canarini A, Hayashi I, Fukushima K, Fukuda S, Kiers ET, Toju H
Frontiers in Microbiology, Vol.14, 1261137, 2023.
Masting is uncommon in trees that depend on mutualist dispersers in the context of global climate and fertility gradients
Qiu et al. (MASTIF network, including Han Q)
Nature Plants, Vol.9,Issue.7, Pages.1044-1056, 2023.
Plant Molecular Phenology and Climate Feedbacks Mediated by BVOCs
Satake, A., Hagiwara, T., Nagano, A., Yamaguchi, N., Sekimoto, K., Shiojiri,K., Sudo, K.
Annual Review of Plant Biology, Vol.75, 2023
Linking seed size and number to trait syndromes in trees
Bogdziewicz et al. (MASTIF network, including Han Q)
Global Ecology and Biogeography, Vol.32, Issue.5, Pages.683-694, 2023.
Effects of species traits and ecosystem characteristics on species detection by eDNA metabarcoding in lake fish communities
Doi H, Matsuoka S, Matsuzaki SS, Nagano M, Sato H, Yamanaka H, Matsuhashi S, Yamamoto S, Minamoto T, Araki H, Ikeda K, Kato A, Kumei K, Maki N, Mitsuzuka T, Takahara T, Toki K, Ueda N, Watanabe T, Yamazoe K, Miya M.
Freshwater Biology, Vol.68, Issue.8, Pages.1346-1358, 2023.
Synergistic effects of succession and microtopography of moraine on the fungal spatial diversity in a glacier forefield.
Masumoto S, Mori AS, Nishizawa K, Naka M, Matsuoka S, Wong S, Uchida M
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Vol.99, Issue.9, fiad090, 2023.
eDNA metabarcoding analysis reveals the consequence of creating ecosystem-scale refugia from deer grazing for the soil microbial communities.
Kadowaki K, Honjo M, Nakamura N, Kitagawa Y, Ishihara MI, Matsuoka S, Tachiki Y, Fukushima K, Sakaguchi S, Miizuki I, Fujiki D, Sakai M, Takayanagi A, Yamasaki M, Tokuchi N, Takahashi D, Nagasawa K, Masuda K.
Environmental DNA, Vol.5, Issue.6, Pages.1732-1742, 2023.
Host-shift speciation proceeded with gene flow in algae covering shells
Osamu Kagawa, Shun K. Hirota, Takumi Saito, Shota Uchida, Hiroaki Watanabe, Ryusuke Miyazoe, Takanobu Yamaguchi, Taiki Matsuno, Kouta Araki, Hinata Wakasugi, Sayaka Suzuki, Genki Kobayashi, Hikaru Miyazaki, Yoshihisa Suyama, Takeaki Hanyuda, Satoshi Chiba
The American Naturalist, Vol.202, No.5, Pages.721-732, 2023.
Twenty-year changes in the composition of a mixed stock of foraging green turtles in the Yaeyama Islands of Japan
Tomoko Hamabata, Masakado Kawata, Satomi Kondo, Ayumi Matsuo, Yoshihisa Suyama, Kazuyuki Suzuki, Kazunari Kameda
Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol.716, Pages.93-105, 2023.
Range shift and introgression of three Japanese Abies species: insights from population genetic data and species distribution modeling
Kentaro Uchiyama, Sayaka Fujii, Ikutaro Tsuyama, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Suzuki Setsuko, Megumi K. Kimura, Yoshihisa Suyama, Yoshihiko Tsumura
Tree Genetics & Genomes, Vol.19, Article number.41, 2023.
Demographic history and conservation aspects of two relict shrubs (Daphnimorpha spp., Thymelaeaceae) showing disjunct and restricted distribution in the southern part of Japan
Daiki Takahashi, Yoshihisa Suyama
Tree Genetics & Genomes, Vol.19, Article number.43, 2023.
Phylogeographical evidence for historical long-distance dispersal in the flightless stick insect Ramulus mikado
Kenji Suetsugu, Tomonari Nozaki, Shun K Hirota, Shoichi Funaki, Katsura Ito, Kazuki Kurita, Yuji Isagi, Yoshihisa Suyama, Shingo Kaneko
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Vol.290, Issue.2008, 2023.
Introduction pathways and evolutionary mechanisms of alien species of Lolium spreading across sandy coasts in Japan
Momoko Hirata, Yumiko Higuchi, Ayumi Matsuo, Mitsuhiko P Sato, Yoshihisa Suyama, Kiyoshi Takako, Akihiro Konuma, Tohru Tominaga, Yoshiko Shimono
Journal of Ecology, Vol.111, Issue.12, Pages.2583-2596, 2023.
Molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of Hosta (Asparagaceae), including five new species, H.kagamiriparia,H.longipedicellata,H.minazukiflora,H.samukazemontana,andH.takiminazukiflora, on Shikoku Island, Japan
Tetsukazu Yahara, Shun Hirota, Seiko Fujii, Yasushi Kokami, Kengo Fuse, Hiroyuki Sato, Shuichiro Tagane, Yoshihisa Suyama
PhytoKeys, Vol.235, Issue.12, Pages.137-187, 2023.
Discrimination of Camellia cultivars using iD-NA analysis
Hitomi S. Kikkawa, Mitsuhiko P. Sato, Ayumi Matsuo, Takanori Sasaki, Yoshihisa Suyama, Kouichiro Tsuge
Scientific Reports, Vol.13, Issue.1, Article number.17674, 2023.
Phylogenetic, population structure, and population demographic analyses reveal that Vicia sepium in Japan is native and not introduced
Ichiro Tamaki, Mizuo Mizuno, Tatsuo Ohtsuki, Kohtaroh Shutoh, Ryoichi Tabata, Yoshihiro Tsunamoto, Yoshihisa Suyama, Yusuke Nakajima, Naoki Kubo, Takeru Ito, Naohiko Noma, Emiko Harada
Scientific Reports, Vol.13, Article number.20746, 2023.
保全生態学研究I, 28巻, 2号, Pages.379-391, 2023.
Genome-wide SNPs reveal clonality and population genetic structure of Nymphoides peltata in Japan (Menyanthaeae)
Akira Asakawa, Shoki Murakami, Sachiko Horie, Ayumi Matsuo, Yoshihisa Suyama, Shinji Fujii, Masayuki Maki
Aquatic Botany, Vol.190, 103720, 2024.
The phylogenetic reconstruction of the Neotropical cycad genus Ceratozamia (Zamiaceae) reveals disparate patterns of niche evolution
José Said Gutiérrez-Ortega, Miguel Angel Pérez-Farrera*, Ayumi Matsuo, Mitsuhiko P. Sato, Yoshihisa Suyama, Michael Calonje, Andrew P. Vovides, Tadashi Kajita, Yasuyuki Watano
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Vol.190, 107960, 2024.
Genetic consequences of Last Glacial–Holocene changes in snowfall regime in Arnica mallotopus populations—a plant confined to heavy-snow areas of Japan
Kazutoshi Masuda, Hiroaki Setoguchi, Koki Nagasawa, Shun K. Hirota, Yoshihisa Suyama, Kazuhiro Sawa, Shigeru Fukumoto, Masae Iwamoto Ishihara, Harue Abe, Hayato Tsuboi, Tsuguoki Tango, Sayoko Mori, Shota Sakaguchi
American Journal of Botany, Vol.111, Issue.2, e16275, 2024.
Ice-age land bridges to continental islands: repeated migration of the forest-dwelling sable in northeastern Asia
Gohta Kinoshita, Takuma Sato, Shota Murakami, Vladimir Monakhov, Alexey P. Kryukov, Lyubov V. Frisman, Yoshihiro Tsunamoto, Yoshihisa Suyama, Takahiro Murakami, Hitoshi Suzuki, Jun J. Sato
Journal of Biogeography, Vol.51, Issue.5, Pages.924-939, 2024.
Genetic divergence and ecological adaptation of an eastern North American spring ephemeral Sanguinaria canadensis
Mao-Qin Xia, Yu-Xin Luo, Yoshihisa Suyama, Ayumi Matsuo, Shota Sakaguchi, Yu-Guo Wang, Pan Li
Diversity and Distributions, Vol.30, Issue.4, e13813, 2024.
The absence of bumblebees on an oceanic island blurs the species boundary of two closely related orchids
Kenji Suetsugu, Shun K. Hirota, Takuto Shitara, Kenya Ishida, Narumi Nakato, Hiroshi Hayakawa, Yoshihisa Suyama
New Phytologist, Vol.241, Issue.3, Pages.1321-1333, 2023.
Double migration of the endangered Tricyrtis formosana (Liliaceae) in Japan
Kaori Tsunenari, Takuro Ito, Masatsugu Yokota, Mayu Shibabayashi, Chiharu Endo, Kuo-Fang Chung, Yoshihisa Suyama, Ayumi Matsuo, Atsushi Abe, Akiyo Naiki, Hiroaki Setoguchi, Takashi Makino, Yuji Isagi
Scientific Reports, Vol.14, Article number.957, 2024.
Evolutionary and ecological trends in the Neotropical cycad genus Dioon (Zamiaceae): An example of success of evolutionary stasis
José Said Gutiérrez-Ortega, Miguel Angel Pérez-Farrera, Mitsuhiko P. Sato, Ayumi Matsuo, Yoshihisa Suyama, Andrew P. Vovides, Francisco Molina-Freaner, Tadashi Kajita, Yasuyuki Watano
Ecological Research, Vol.39, Issue.2, Pages.131-158, 2024.
Green Age, No.591, Pages.39-43, 2023.
Small-scale dispersal and gene flow of the agricultural pest two-spotted spider mite in apple orchards: implication from landscape ecological and population genetic analyses
Yasuyuki Komagata, Takaho Oe, Takayuki Sekine, Yuta Kimura, Shun K. Hirota, Hiroya Taguchi, Yoshihisa Suyama
Ecological Research, Vol.39, Issue.3, Pages.341-352, 2024.
Evolutionary radiation of the Eurasian Pinus species under pervasive gene flow
Wei Zhao, Jie Gao, David Hall, Bea Andersson, Jade Bruxaux, Kyle Tomlinson, Andreas D. Drouzas, Yoshihisa Suyama, Xiao-Ru Wang
New Phytologist, Vol.242, Issue.5, Pages.2353-2368, 2024.
Phylogeographic incongruence between two related Geranium species with divergent habitat preferences in East Asia
Seikan Kurata, Shota Sakaguchi, Shun K. Hirota, Osamu Kurashima, Yoshihisa Suyama, Motomi Ito
Ecological Research, Vol.39, Issue.3, Pages.273-288, 2024.
The Emissions Model Intercomparison Project (Emissions-MIP): quantifying model sensitivity to emission characteristics
Ahsan, H., Wang, H. L., Wu, J. B., Wu, M. X., Smith, S. J., Bauer, S., Suchyta, H., Olivié, D., Myhre, G., Matsui, H., Bian, H. S., Lamarque, J. F., Carslaw, K., Horowitz, L., Regayre, L., Chin, M., Schulz, M., Skeie, R. B., Takemura, T., and Naik, V
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol.23, Issue.23, Pages.14779-14799, 2023.
Effectiveness of emission controls implemented since 2000 on ambient ozone concentrations in multiple timescales in Japan: An emission inventory development and simulation study
Chatani, S., Kitayama, K., Itahashi, S., Irie, H., and Shimadera, H.
Science of The Total Environment, Vol.894, 165058, 2023.
Interplay of Climate Change and Air Pollution- Projection of the under-5 mortality attributable to ambient particulate matter (PM2.5) in South Asia
Anita, W. M., Uttajug, A., Seposo, X. T., Sudo, K., Nakata, M., Takemura, T., Takano, H., Fujiwara, T., and Ueda, K.
Environ Res, Vol.248, ARTN 118292, 2024
Air quality and urban climate improvements in the world's most populated region during the COVID-19 pandemic
Damiani, A., Irie, H., Belikov, D., Cordero, R. R., Feron, S., and Ishizaki, N. N.
Environmental Research Letters, Vol.19, No.3, 2023.
DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/ad25a2